Weighback Machine

Friday, August 11, 2006

a milestone

Finally under 240. 239 to be exact. 17 pounds gone in 13 weeks. At least 27 more to go.

Setting the goal is difficult. At first I had the ambitious goal of 201. After talking with a personal trainer, that adjusted upward to 212. Now that I'm over 1/3 of the way to 212, that seems like it might not be enough weight loss. I haven't been 212 since some time in 1990 or 1991, so it's hard to say if that's an appropriate goal or not. Perhaps the trainer simply thought I would end up wanting lots more upper-body muscle.

Notable - I lost two pounds on a week where I overate on three consecutive days thanks to a colleague's gift of oatmeal cookies - the one sweet I simply cannot resist.



  • I find that many personal trainers set "realistic" goals -- ones they think you can reach -- rather than ones related to the amount of fat you have. You can readjust as you hit weights.

    I thought I'd be lucky to get to 178 and glad to be there. I weighed in at 170.5 at my monthly benchmark and now hope to lose ten more pounds. But I've got the fat, so ... at least I think I do.

    It is neat, to have weight be something you actually choose, isn't it?

    By Blogger Stephen, at 6:06 AM  

  • It has been a few months. I'd love an update.

    By Blogger Stephen, at 6:49 AM  

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